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Renewable Advantages in Albany

Albany, NY

Project Details

2,500 sq. ft.

Project Description

New homes or old homes, there’s always one thing in common: the HVAC system. For this propane-fueled, retrofit home in upstate New York, the new owners inherited the enormously high utility bills. They were spending over $4,000 per year running the HVAC system and purchasing propane. Knowing they wanted to cut propane out of the equation while spending less money, they installed the Advantage air-to-water heat pump. This allowed the family to eliminate fossil fuels from their home, cut yearly utility costs by up to 75%, and gain financial peace of mind.

This installation was also featured on Ask This Old House | S20 E13: Rot Repair, Heat Pumps (starts 14:29)

Installation Details

Featuring the new Advantage air-to-water heat pump, this complete solution fulfills the needs of the entire home: heating, cooling, and hot water. Utilizing the current forced-air distribution system, the installer replaced the propane furnace with a new “low-temperature” air handler sized to dissipate the full heating output of the heat pump at a water supply temperature of about 105°F. With the Advantage providing 100% of the home’s domestic water supply, the family uses an estimated 60 gallons of water daily, allowing them to save over $660 per year when compared to a standard electric water heater. Additionally, this hydronic solution allows for zero ground disruption on the property. The whole home can be heated and cooled using one unit that sits outside, above the snow, and is connected to the indoor components. This solution can dependably maintain smooth operation year-round due to its high efficiencies – from the hottest days to those sub-zero nights. This hydronic solution has allowed the family to easily set up sellable upgrades like panel radiators or in-floor heating. To read more about this project, click here.


Eliminating over $2,400 worth of annual energy costs
Current estimated HVAC costs: $1,000 per year

Partners Involved

Appropriate Designs – John Siegenthaler
The Radiant Store – Terry Moag & Ben Melick

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