South Carolina Loves Geothermal Heat Pumps

Ultra efficient and reliable heating and cooling with more than 55% back!

Feeling the Love

Lower Electric Bills

On average, our heat pumps use 50% or less energy than other electric heating and cooling systems.


Our heat pumps maintain a consistent temperature all day, so you may not even notice it's running. It's super quiet, too!

Long System Life

Reliable and long lasting, you'll rest easy knowing it will be a while before your heating and cooling needs replaced again.

The Best Rebates and Credits in the US!

Between state, federal, and local incentives, home owners can now get more than 55% of the install cost back!

$1,600 Rebate/Ton

Blue Ridge Electric Members
An average home in South Carolina is between 3 and 4 tons.

25% Back

South Carolina Tax Credit
Reduce your tax liability
* See TC-38 - SC DoR for details.

30% Back

Federal Tax Credit
The IRA tax credit for GHSP installations

Financing Available

Gain peace of mind through our easy financing options!

What Is A Geothermal Heat Pump?

They're 400% Efficient... Yes, Really!

Geothermal heat pumps, also called ground source heat pumps, move heat between the earth and your home or business. In heating mode, heat is moved from the earth into your building. To cool, the process is reversed. Our heat pumps can also produce hot water to reduce energy costs in your home!

But, How?

The Earth is good at holding and releasing heat. A lot of the Sun's heat gets stored a few feet underground and that's the heat brought into your building. Alternately, when we move heat out of your building, the Earth is eager to store it for later use.

Reach Out to Learn More

Steve Weitzel

Steve Weitzel
Utility & Energy Program Director/SE Sales

(803) 753-4114
Email Steve

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