Summer is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to the performance of your heating and cooling system. Many homeowners struggle with their air conditioning in the warm, humid months, often requiring an emergency visit from an HVAC technician. Those who already have geothermal installed are a few steps ahead of their neighbors: The unit is kept indoors, it’s supremely quiet, and is the most efficient cooling solution on the market. Still, there are plenty of ways you can optimize your system. If you’re wondering how you can maximize the performance of your geothermal heat pump in the summer, the following summer cooling tips will get you on the right track!

Maximize Your Geothermal Unit’s Performance in the summer
Consistent thermostat set-point
As summer continues to heat up, you may be tempted to adjust your thermostat throughout the day in an attempt to stay comfortable. If you want peak performance and efficiencies out of your HVAC system, keep the thermostat at a single point as often as possible! Doing so prevents your system from working overtime to reach the new temperature goal you’ve set for it. If your unit can aim for a single temperature throughout the summer, you’ll find that your home is more consistently comfortable with less strain on your heating and cooling system.
replace your filter
Replace your filter if you haven’t already! The filter replacement is an often-overlooked but vital maintenance line item. Setting your system up for optimal airflow is crucial to peak performance, especially with summer heat and humidity. Your air conditioning system’s job is to extract heat from the home and pull it away from the structure, and this process can only be done at max efficiency if the air is flowing with minimal resistance through the supply and return vents.
Get the condensate line serviced
Keeping humidity out of your home is important and so is keeping humidity out of your HVAC system! As the geothermal unit dehumidifies your space, condensation accumulates on the coil. To remove this moisture, your unit has a condensate drain line to pull water away from its critical components. If the drain is clogged and the line fills, the unit will “lockout” to protect itself. Regular maintenance performed by your local HVAC technician can prevent this issue from disturbing your summer cooling!
Avoid “flat loop” issues
There’s no single best way to install a geothermal system, and it’s up to the installer to choose the right method for your home upon installation. The installer could choose to install a pressurized or a non-pressurized flow center and loop. Pressurized loops have plenty of benefits over non-pressurized systems, but there are common things to watch for that aren’t found in a non-pressurized loop. One of the most common issues is a “flat loop” which, in the summer, occurs when heat causes the pipes to expand slightly, resulting in a loss in overall pressure. Your installer should be well-equipped with tools to combat this and can advise you proactively if you stay on top of your filter and condensate line maintenance.
Noticing a trend?
If it sounds like we’re talking a lot about proactive and regular maintenance and service, we are! You’d be surprised at the number of homeowners, year after year, that neglect the single most important system in their home season after season. Performing these important service items will put your home and system way ahead of the majority of your neighbors in terms of longevity and performance.
So, go ahead! Contact an HVAC technician that you trust, communicate what you’re wanting, and be open to their recommendations, too. If you need help finding the right professionals for you, we’re always here to help!
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