Join us at Enertech Headquarters in Greenville, IL for a Service & Installation Training on November 6th and 7th!
There will be extensive coverage of our four types of geothermal heat pumps along with their unique features. The Training Manual will be covered in-depth to allow students to understand the procedures for installation, startup, and performance checks.
The course begins with a brief overview of Enertech Global, the company history, our customer support, and our product offerings. Our four types of geothermal heat pumps, along with their unique features, will be covered extensively. The Training Manual will be reviewed in-depth to allow students to understand the procedures for installation, startup, and performance checks. Attendees will be exposed to ground loop basics and will receive instruction on different styles of flow centers and antifreeze. Participants will go through a step-by-step explanation of Enertech’s state-of-the-art control system and the unique features it offers, with a control board simulator being used to cycle through all fault codes. Students will thoroughly review the form and function of all refrigeration components. We will cover the proper methods for verifying the operation of the overall system and individual components, and we’ll explain and demonstrate critical concepts such as “heat of extraction” (HE), “heat of rejection” (HR), “subcooling” (SC), and “superheat” (SH). The use of refrigerant gauges should be minimized in diagnostics, and the participants will learn why they should leave those tools on the truck when servicing Enertech’s geothermal heat pumps. Training includes light breakfast, lunch, and training materials.